By MI Miftahul huda Friday, February 3, 2017 TIPS LISTENING TEST Tips dalam Menghadapi Listening Test Bahasa Inggris – INTONASI Salah satu cara berbicara adalah penggunaan intonasi, menaikkan atau menurunk...
By MI Miftahul huda 5:16 PM BELAJAR BAHASA INGGRIS BELAJAR BAHASA INGGRIS Menganut paham faktor kebiasaan untuk belajar bahasa inggris , berikut ini 5 tips cara cepat belajar bahasa inggris ...
By MI Miftahul huda 9:08 AM Drink 1 Cup of Turmeric Water in the Morning and These Things Will Happen to Your Body Turmeric and turmeric water have potent anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties. If you add turmeric to some lemon water, which p...
By MI Miftahul huda 9:05 AM Make Yourself 10 Years Younger With This Amazing Natural Cream People’s skin after some time starts to get older, and we all know that process of aging is tough period for them. Wrinkles are the most not...
By MI Miftahul huda Thursday, February 2, 2017 Watch What Happens When You Wrap Your Teeth In Aluminum Foil For One Hour… Magic! Having a good oral hygiene as well as regularly visiting the dentist is the key for healthy and white teeth. But, your teeth can easily turn...
By MI Miftahul huda 9:48 AM You Need To Eat This If You Have Hair Loss, Brittle Nails Or You’re Not Sleeping Well It may interest you to know that adrenal gland issues can affect the health of your hair, nails and even your sleep quality. Your adrenal gl...
By MI Miftahul huda 3:36 AM Cinnamon and Honey, Mixture That Fights Off Colds, Flu and Soothes Arthritis Pain People have traditionally used the potent medicinal properties of cinnamon and honey for centuries The healing properties of these two ingre...