f Make Yourself 10 Years Younger With This Amazing Natural Cream | Belajar Bahasa inggris Untuk Pemula

Make Yourself 10 Years Younger With This Amazing Natural Cream

People’s skin after some time starts to get older, and we all know that process of aging is tough period for them. Wrinkles are the most noticeable sign for the process of aging. The wrinkles around the eyes are the first ones which “announce” the aging, then come the ones around the lips and on the forehead. There are various kinds of cosmetic products which can you find as a solution to this problem, but the most effective and of course the best one can be found in nature. Since the nature offers you a remedy for the problem with wrinkles, you surely do not have to spend money on chemical products.

Ingredients for this anti-aging mask:

 -4 teaspoons of oil jelly

-2 teaspoons of honey

-2 egg yolks

-2 tablespoons of olive or almond gas

How to prepare it:

 The petroleum jelly becomes liquid so as the water vapor absorbs it. Next you should do is to put all the other ingredients together and mix them until you get a homogeneous mixture. What you’ll get is a mask, which you should apply on your face and hold it on it for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, remove the mask from your face with a wet towel. If you are continually using this mask, after some period you will be shocked by the results you will get from it.

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